Thursday, 6 June 2019

7 Food Forest in 7 minutes

Hello there!
Today I wanna talk about a really interesting topic that I didn't know and is the permaculture.

First you need to know what is the permaculture. It's a system that takes the knowledge of the nature to provides sustainable and permanent food to the people without to need to contaminate or destroy our natural  resources.
About the video I like how the video explain this technique. I think it will be a viable system for the society's future. How all we know the planet is collapsing and we need to help with something. Perhaps this system could help each person to create their own production because in the future according to environmentalist the people who create their own production will be the people who will survive the collapse of the planet.

So I wanna invite you to check out more information about permaculture which could be one of the solutions to the environmental problems of our planet and I would like to add that the invasive agriculture of the big companies is one of the biggest pollutants on the planet.

are you agree? c u soon!

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