Thursday 16 May 2019


Hi guys! how are you today?

Today the topic that ill speak is about series or movies, definitely now watch movies is the new black haha so I became addicted to the series. I always wacthing a serie, for example recently I`ve been watching Game of thrones, my favourite series!. I think this series have been the best series in the history of the series, for the actors, directors, special effects and how real the serie looks.

Although i prefer the series now, before this big era of the series, i was a fan of the movies. I liked going to the cinema all the time, i think you can feel more differents emotions in front of the big screen.

To end i wanna say that the people are forgetting how romantic is watch a movie at the cinema, how exciting is buy a popcorn, and i feel so sad because I`m part of this, and maybe we need to see more than netflix and series hahaha...

See you around!


  1. I love Game of thrones too, but i think you're right, go to the cinema is another world !!

  2. the cinema is the best way to see a movie, but in the bed when its cold outside, could be even better.

  3. I like GOT too, and yes, go to the cinema is so cool

  4. ooh! I love Series to but, I dont see GOT yet... ups! when Im on vacation I swear Im watch it!
