Hi everyone it's nice to write for you
I gonna talk about a topic I
really like beacuse I love pets. I always loved all my pets. In my live I had
dogs and a hamster but the last was for a short time :(. My first pet was a dog
and her name was luna. The truth is I really don't remember that pet much
because I was 6 years old and she died very early.
After that death my parents
decided don't have any dog for a long time because for them it was sadder.
However for a Christmas they gave me a hamster I call her Yina. I had Yina for
3 years and after that she got sick and died. She was the best roommate ever.
After one year a friend gave me
to Luni my most precious and partner dog. She lived with me 14 years and when
she died I suffered a lot because I was all day with her. Went to the park all
days that was she really enjoyed. I spent 3 months in mourning and my parent
decided to give me Bruno. My firts male dog and my current pet.
I hope u like pets! see u xx